We Deliver!
Same Day & Next Day!
Same Day – If Schedule Allows.
(Please try to call by 10:30 AM for same day deliveries)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday Deliveries
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Tuesday & Thursday Deliveries
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
3:00 PM-6:00 PM
Sunday Deliveries
None available at this time
$35 Minimum Order is Required.
Deliveries are done on a first come, first served basis and must be a local delivery.
Please be aware that you will save 2.9% by not paying with a credit card. We encourage customers to pay with a check or cash. For delivery, you must pay with a check to save (as our driver does not carry cash). For curbside, if paying with check or cash, please notify employee when you are ordering so we can call you back with a total amount. Thank you!
Local Deliveries:
Crystal Lake
Dundee (East/West)
Elgin/South Elgin
Fox River Grove
Huntley/Del Webb
Lake in the Hills
Pingree Grove
Prairie Grove
Sleepy Hollow
*Not on the list?
Ask to see if we can deliver to you!
- There will be a delivery charge
- Please consider tipping your driver
- Minimum $35 for delivery. Credit card must be provided over the phone.
- We can only deliver to so many homes in one day. Deliveries are based on a first come, first served basis. If we max out on the amount of deliveries that we do for the day, we can reschedule you for the following day
- Please remember that we still offer curbside pick up!